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On the 18th December, 2023 the EU adopted a twelfth sanctions package against Russia. The main purpose of this package is to combat sanction circumvention and deal with loopholes. In summary, the twelfth sanctions...

In Mercuria Energy Trading PTE v Raphael Cotoner Investments LTD (The "Afra Oak”) 2023, the Commercial Court recently found in favour of the owner by allowing the error in navigation defence in Article IV(2)(a) of the...

On 8th December, 2023, BIMCO published four emissions scheme clauses: three clauses for voyage charterparties and a clause for use in ship management contracts. The purpose of the clauses is to allow parties to choose a...

China recently amended its Civil Procedure Law (“CPL”), which will come into force from 1st January, 2024. Among the amendments, there are several issues that may impact on international shipping cases as...

The following FAQs have been put together to provide general guidance and to highlight the type of contractual issues that might arise following the conflict in Israel-Gaza. The situation is very fluid and Members are advised...


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